Valentine's Idea no. 5: Money saving tips for Valentine's Day...

Here are some ideas for ya:

1) Start saving months before the big day. Put aside a bit every day. It'll add up by Valentine's Day. For e.g, saving $4 a day from January adds up to about $112 Valentine's dollars by February 14th.

2) At the end of every day, go through any change you have and put aside the lowest denominator. That goes into the Val. Day kitty.

3) Got any stuff you don't need? Sell them on Amazon or eBay.

4) Go into a charity/vintage shop. Buy stuff. Sell it for profit on Amazon, eBay.

5) If you're a smoker, can you buy one less pack a day/week and put that towards the Valentine's Day kitty? Same applies to chocolates, biscuits, takeouts, magazines, etc. I'm not asking you to forgo it completely, but you'll be surprised how much you can save if, for instance, you bought 2 takeouts a week instead of 3.

6) Instead of buying a card, make one.

7) Instead of buying a poem or a love letter, write one. Not only is it a money saver, but it's much sweeter.

Times are/have been hard of late for some of us on the money-front. No denying that. But it's still possible to have a fab Valentine's Day with your boo (or boo-to-be!) by saving towards it bit-by-bit.

Like, totally, dude (dudette) :-)

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